Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Specific to each species

Signs of presence

Familiar behavior

What attracts him?



Habitat or place with high activity

With the purchase of a reusable half-mask respirator , get a 10% discount on the 3M vapor cartridge .

Discount code: 6TZJ

de rabais

With the purchase of a Webster Cobweb brush , get a 10% discount on the Webster Cobweb extendable pole .

Discount code: DTSQ

de rabais

With the purchase of a FlowZone backpack sprayer , get a 30% discount on complementary FlowZone products .

Discount code: A29B

de rabais

With the purchase of the Catchmaster Ovi-Planter Ago mosquito trap , get a 25% discount on an Ungava brand mosquito repellent .

Discount code: UH5T

de rabais

With the purchase of the Catchmaster Ovi-Catch Ago mosquito trap, get a 25% discount on an Ungava brand mosquito repellent .

Discount code: UH5T

de rabais

With the purchase of the Envirolights JR fly light trap , get a 15% discount on the Catchmaster Flylight JR sticky panel .

Discount code: ZN7G

Produits antiparasitaires pour fourmis

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