Souris (petits rongeurs) faits étonnant

Ten Amazing Facts About Mice You Probably Didn't Know

Reading time: 3:10 minutes

1. The unexpected longevity of these little rodents:

It is true that mice, in an ideal setting, could aspire to an existence extending up to two full years. However, in urban areas, their life expectancy is often shortened to just a few months; an inevitability due to the voracious presence of predators and difficult conditions. The variability in their lifespan is also explained by the diversity of human habitats, oscillating between hospitality and hostility. In your home, they can find a cozy corner and live longer.

2. Fast mouse reproduction:

Endowed with great fertility, the mouse reproduces and colonizes its environment with disconcerting speed. From the age of eight weeks, the female begins the maternity cycle, thus offering six to eight babies per litter. The latter's reproductive cycle renews every three to four weeks.

3. Mice, little-known swimmers:

These small creatures are endowed with the ability to swim long distances, making them suitable for crossing rivers or surviving floods. This nautical skill serves as an escape from predators and allows them to access new areas for food.

4. Born female climbers:

Using their climbing agility and ability for ascent, mice scale impressive heights. This ability allows them to access high and difficult to access places, which creates landmarks and facilitates their intrusion into homes and structures.

5. The varied diet of the mouse:

Omnivores, mice feed on a variety of foods, ranging from cereals, fruits, seeds and even foods of animal origin. They have the habit of nibbling on various materials to temper the incessant growth of their teeth. Not picky, they eat almost anything, including certain mouse baits such as Pro-Pest, designed to attract them with finesse. This mouse bait is designed specifically to optimally attract mice.

6. The mouse and climatic hypersensitivity:

Mice seek refuge in homes especially during changing seasons, during periods of cold or extreme heat, which explains the increase in infestations in winter and summer. Seeking to ensure their survival, mice infiltrate structures in order to protect themselves when they sense danger caused by the outside temperature.

7. A great capacity for learning in these small rodents:

Mice can learn from their experiences, such as avoiding mouse traps or navigating new environments. They have a remarkable spatial memory and most often, they walk along walls to move around. This makes it easier to remember the paths they take.

8. Disease carriers:

Mice, despite themselves, carry dangerous parasites and bacteria that threaten humans. Their infectious droppings, saliva, and feces can contaminate food and surfaces. They spread diseases such as leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and other infections.

9. Mice prefer nocturnal activity:

These animals, adept at darkness, become active when night falls, which complicates their detection in broad daylight since they are hidden in isolated places. This is why you may hear noises related to mouse activity during the night rather than during the day.

10. Very keen senses:

Despite poor eyesight, mice prove to be professionals at smelling, hearing and touching. Senses that help them detect food, dangers, communicate with each other and navigate their environment.

For effective solutions against mouse infestations such as mouse repellents, rodenticides, mouse poisons, mouse traps, mouse traps and more, visit our website l' and discover our products and specialized services .

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