Que vaut la terre de Sommières pour combattre les punaises de lit ?

How good is Sommières earth for fighting bedbugs?

Bedbugs are a real scourge in many Canadian homes. Their presence causes real stress. While the use of chemical pesticides is common, there may be natural alternatives to consider. Sommières earth, known for its high absorption capacity, is one of them. A recent French study shows that it is effective against these unwanted pests. Let's take a closer look

The land of Sommières

Sommières earth comes from a village of the same name in the south of France. This natural clay mainly contains aluminum and magnesium silicate. It comes in the form of a fine, super-absorbent powder. Its capacity to absorb liquids and moisture is said to be around 80%. Originally, this powder was mainly used to get rid of stains. A recent French study focuses on its properties against bedbugs.

Research into the effectiveness of Sommières earth in eradicating bedbugs

Research was carried out by scientists from the IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille and the University Hospital of Nice. Dr Pascal Delaunay led the experiments. In this context, he was supported by collaborators specialized in Parasitology-Mycology.

The team tested Sommières earth and several household products against bedbugs. They tested talc, baking soda and green clay. They also tested a product commonly used by pest control professionals: diatomaceous earth. Among the substances tested, Sommières earth demonstrated remarkable effectiveness. It eliminated bedbugs in less than 48 hours. Results can be seen after just 24 hours. When in contact with this powder, these insects dry out and eventually die. In addition, if an infected bedbug affects other members of its colony, they are also “treated”. The eradication then intensifies.

Beyond the results, Sommières earth is non-toxic. It does not present any danger for the family and for domestic animals. In addition, this product is environmentally friendly. It is thus a sustainable alternative to chemical treatments. Especially when we know that there is a phenomenon of resistance of bedbugs to insecticides.

Terre de Sommières: recommendations for use against bedbugs

Dr Pascal Delaunay recommends sprinkling this natural clay on all areas where pests could hide. Especially box springs, but also mattresses, bed feet and furniture. Here's how to start the treatment:

  • Prepare: remove your linens and wash everything at a high temperature;
  • Apply: Pour Sommières earth generously into strategic areas. Pay particular attention to any cracks and fissures;
  • Leave to act: wait at least 24 hours for the product to take effect;
  • Remove: Carefully vacuum up powder and residue;
  • Renew: repeat the application if necessary, especially in the event of a significant infestation.

Conclusion: a solution to consider to fight against bedbugs

The research protocol conducted by Dr. Pascal Delaunay and his team confirmed that Sommières earth could be a solution to consider for combating bedbugs. Simple to use, this product works quickly and effectively. At L'Exterminateur en Ligne , we offer it in 400 gram bags . It is a product that deserves to be tested!

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